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Rashtrapati Bhavan : 04.11.2015

Members of the 55th NDC Course and staff of National Defence College called on the President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee today (November 4, 2015) at Rashtrapati Bhavan.

Speaking on the occasion, the President said that the success of any nation state depends on how effectively it harnesses all the available resources at its disposal, foremost among these being the human resource. The development of human resource for National Security is an onerous task undertaken by National Defence College of India where senior officers from not only the Armed Forces but also from Civil Services and friendly foreign countries are endowed with background knowledge to make policy decisions related to national security.

The President said that in a democratic system like ours, various organs of the state must understand the strengths and limitations of each other. Political leadership and senior Civil Services officers must be conversant with the capabilities and limitations of the Defence forces.Similarly, Armed Forces officers need to understand the limitations and constitutional frame work under which the political set up and Civil Services function. However, both of them should be aware of the larger perspective of National Security in order to take informed decisions of vital importance. He expressed hope that the Course would make participants into more aware and well-informed individuals, who can make well reasoned decisions taking the country’s security perspectives into consideration.

This release issued at 1340 hrs